Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
Bible, kterou cetl Jezis; preklad Petr Vizina | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2002 |
Church, why bother? | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 1998 |
Disappointment with God | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 1988 |
Dotknount se nevidetelneho Boha | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2006 |
Jezis jak jsem ho neznal | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2002 |
Kde je Buh kdyz to boli | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2003 |
Nekoncici milost | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2001 |
Ohlasy z jineho sveta | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2003 |
Prayer | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 2006 |
Praying with the KGB | Yancey Philip | Multnomah | 1992 |
Proc se obtezovat s cirkvi? | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2003 |
Reaching for the invisible God | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 2000 |
Rumors of another world | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 2003 |
Soul survivor | Yancey Philip | Doubleday | 2001 |
The Bible Jesus read | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 1999 |
The Jesus I never knew | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 1995 |
What's so amazing about grace? | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 1997 |
Where is God when it hurts? | Yancey Philip | Zondervan | 1990 |
Zklaman Bohem | Yancey Philip | Navrat domu | 2002 |
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