Bible, kterou cetl Jezis; preklad Petr Vizina Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2002
Church, why bother? Yancey PhilipZondervan1998
Disappointment with God Yancey PhilipZondervan1988
Dotknount se nevidetelneho Boha Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2006
Jezis jak jsem ho neznal Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2002
Kde je Buh kdyz to boli Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2003
Nekoncici milost Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2001
Ohlasy z jineho sveta Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2003
Prayer Yancey PhilipZondervan2006
Praying with the KGB Yancey PhilipMultnomah1992
Proc se obtezovat s cirkvi? Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2003
Reaching for the invisible God Yancey PhilipZondervan2000
Rumors of another world Yancey PhilipZondervan2003
Soul survivor Yancey PhilipDoubleday2001
The Bible Jesus read Yancey PhilipZondervan1999
The Jesus I never knew Yancey PhilipZondervan1995
What's so amazing about grace? Yancey PhilipZondervan1997
Where is God when it hurts? Yancey PhilipZondervan1990
Zklaman Bohem Yancey PhilipNavrat domu2002

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Křest'anská knihovna Praha
Balbínova 10
120 00 Praha 2
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