Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
A hunger for God | Piper John | Crossway Books | 1997 |
Beyond the bounds | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2003 |
Bozia zvrchovanost v kazani | Piper John | Navrat domov | 2000 |
Brothers, we are not professionals | Piper John | Broadman & Holman | 2002 |
Counted righteous in Christ | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2002 |
Desiring God | Piper John | Multnomah | 2003 |
Don't waste your life | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2003 |
Future grace | Piper John | Multnomah | 1995 |
God's passion for His glory | Piper John | Crossway Books | 1998 |
Hlad po Bohu | Piper John | Navrat domu | 2005 |
Let the nations be glad! | Piper John | Baker Academic | 2003 |
Nepromarni svuj zivot | Piper John | Didasko | 2009 |
Spectacular sins | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2008 |
The future of justification | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2007 |
The hidden smile of God | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2001 |
The justification of God | Piper John | Baker Books | 1983 |
The legacy of sovereign joy | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2000 |
The misery of Job and the mercy of God | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2002 |
The passion of Jesus Christ | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2004 |
The roots of endurance | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2002 |
The supremacy of God in preaching | Piper John | Baker Books | 1990 |
When I don't desire God | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2004 |
When the darkness will not lift | Piper John | Crossway Books | 2006 |
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Jim a Laurie Barnesovi