Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
A passion for truth | McGrath Alister E | InterVarsity Press | 1996 |
Dialog prirodnich ved a teologie | McGrath Alister E | Vysehrad | 2003 |
Doubting | McGrath Alister E | InterVarsity Press | 2006 |
Evangelicalism & the future of Christianity | McGrath Alister E | InterVarsity Press | 1995 |
Explaining your faith | McGrath Alister E | Baker Books | 1995 |
Intellectuals don't need God & other modern myths | McGrath Alister E | Zondervan | 1993 |
Krestanska spiritualita | McGrath Alister E | Volvox Globator | 2001 |
Reformation thought | McGrath Alister E | Blackwell Publishers | 1993 |
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Křest'anská knihovna Praha
Balbínova 10
120 00 Praha 2
Česká republika
(420) 602 750 610
Vedení knihovny:
Jim a Laurie Barnesovi