Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
Angels | Graham Billy | Word Publishing | 1995 |
Angels: God's secret agents | Graham Billy | Doubleday | 1975 |
Approaching hoofbeats | Graham Billy | Word Publishing | 1983 |
Just as I am | Graham Billy | HarperSanFrancisco | 1997 |
Nadeje pro kazdy den | Graham Billy | Navrat domu | 2006 |
Peace with God | Graham Billy | Word Publishing | 1984 |
Sedm smrtelnych hrichu: pycha, hnev, zavist, necistota, obzerstvi, lenost, lakom | Graham Billy | Ministerstva kultury a informaci cis. 15465 69 III | 1969 |
The Holy Spirit | Graham Billy | Word Publishing | 1988 |
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Křest'anská knihovna Praha
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Vedení knihovny:
Jim a Laurie Barnesovi