Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
Branami slavy | Elliot Elisabeth | Slovo zivota v Cerne Hore | 2004 |
Discipline, the glad surrender | Elliot Elisabeth | Fleming H. Revell | 1982 |
Passion and purity | Elliot Elisabeth | Revell | 1984 |
Secure in the everlasting arms | Elliot Elisabeth | Vine Books | 2002 |
Shadow of the almighty | Elliot Elisabeth | Harper & Row | 1989 |
Through gates of splendor | Elliot Elisabeth | Living Books | 1981 |
Vasen a cistota | Elliot Elisabeth | Slovo zivota v Cerne Hore | 2004 |
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Křest'anská knihovna Praha
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120 00 Praha 2
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Vedení knihovny:
Jim a Laurie Barnesovi