Titul | Autor | Vydavatel | Rok |
Against the night | Colson Charles W | Servant Publications | 1999 |
How now shall we live? | Colson Charles W | Tyndale House | 1999 |
Jak milovat Boha | Colson Charles W | Biblos | 1993 |
Kingdoms in conflict | Colson Charles W | William Morrow | 1987 |
Life sentence | Colson Charles W | Fleming H. Revell | 1979 |
Loving God | Colson Charles W | Zondervan | 1987 |
The God of stones and spiders | Colson Charles W | Crossway Books | 1990 |
Znovuzrozeny | Colson Charles W | Biblos | 1996 |
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Křest'anská knihovna Praha
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Jim a Laurie Barnesovi