After the storm Butterworth NickHarperCollins 1992
Animal tales Butterworth NickMarshall Pickering1999
Percy's Bumpy Ride Butterworth NickHarperCollins1999
Stories Jesus told Butterworth NickGold 'n' Honey Books1994
The cat's story Butterworth NickZondervan 1988
The fox's story Butterworth NickZondervan 1988
The magpie story Butterworth NickZondervan 1988
The mouse's story Butterworth NickZondervan 1988
The secret path Butterworth NickLittle Brown and Company1994
Tom the greengrocer Butterworth NickWalker Books Ltd1986
When there's work to do Butterworth NickHarperCollins1994
When we play together Butterworth NickHarper Collins 1994

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Křest'anská knihovna Praha
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120 00 Praha 2
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Jim a Laurie Barnesovi

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